Coaster Kingdom


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I do like the ride, but came off thinking it wasn't perhaps up to CCI's normal standards. It has some nice elements, it just isn't quite as frantic as any of their other rides. That said, it far exceeds any GCI junk.

Simon Hurst

I know what you mean, but I don't think it was accidental that it is a much calmer ride. There is more of a selection of elements, it doesn't just concentrate on airtime. I like that, and therefore like the ride.

Damian Varley

It is a long ride, perhaps too long. I like it - the racing element is fantastic and it is a nice introduction to what wooden roller coasters are like.

Michael Smith

I think Stampida benefits from not being as extreme as other roller coasters. As a result, this roller coaster is perfect for kids and those who find other coasters too threatening. it's amazingly fun - fast, twisted, varied and exciting. The section when the two trains pass each other head on has to be the best moment... if in doubt, ride!!! You won't regret it!

Andy Roberts

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