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Placed in the 'Mystery'-themed area of the park, this ride fits the surrounding theme and atmosphere perfectly. Nice details like a couple of water falls that appear out of nowhere on the main castle tower and vanish before hitting the water below and the knights guarding the entrance hall all add to this mysterious feel.

The station is lavishly themed to resemble a medieval port and although you’ve seen some bits of waterway during queuing, you don’t realise what River Quest really is, before you stop at the foot of the main tower/rock façade.

From this point on, the ride throws one surprise after the other at you. The vertical lift, the drop straight out of this elevator and the two remaining drops all have their own character, and though there is indeed little or no cohesion between these stand-out moments, they all work perfectly to create a mix of joy and sheer adrenaline kicks.

Too bad Phantasialand lost it’s two unique Schwarzkopf coasters ‘Gebirgsbahn’ and ‘Grand Canyon Bahn’, but we got a very enjoyable and surprising water ride instead. Due to the absent theming around the channels themselves, the lack of some old-fashioned rapids in between the existing elements and the non-working vertical drop effect near the end of the ride, River Quest misses out on one star: four out of five!

Mark Vries

Riverquest is a misnomer of epic proportions. There is no quest... and very little river.

What you do get is some spectacular ride elements that you may not have seen before but with all the stylish flair of a garden fence.

With the extravagant station, you can be forgiven for expecting the rest of the ride to follow this attention to detail. What you get is absolutely nothing to look at, no decoration, and some "rapids" sections that make Rumba Rapids look like the wildest river in the west.

OK - the drops and other elements are good fun, and are paced well - but what a disappointment to find that everything between them is so boring. With unpainted concrete channels and lifeless stretches of water, the ride fails to live up to it's name - and the standard that the rest of the park sets.

Lewis C


A mixed bag in my opinion. As far as rapids go, I think River Quest is dreadful with no real chance of encountering any real choppy water so to speak. I know Hafema rapids can do much better so it is a real disappointment. I also think the theming is a bit lazy. But I love the little surprises the ride throws at you and for the first couple of goes it is great fun, but like Air once the novelty of the drops wears off you aren't left with much at all.

Kerry T


Amazing fun. I didn't get too soaked and I think the theming is very unique. Could do with a larger rapids section and the whirlpool is actually quite boring until you drop through the middle.



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River Quest

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Best rapids? My ass. Jecky